Use Perspective

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How can I use perspective when decorating my tree?

Use Perspective

Fiber optic Christmas trees create a dazzling display for the eyes but why not appeal to the eyes even more by using perspective when decorating them? Use the law of perspective to your advantage by arranging ornaments according to size.

Place larger ornaments at the bottom of the tree and decrease the size of the ornaments as you move up the tree and it becomes more narrow. To really play with this effect, take it a bit further using bows. Purchase spools of ribbon (all the same color) in three different widths. Cut the ribbons into pieces that are long enough to tie into bows.

Attach the bows to the tree in decreasing order; apply the bows made from the widest ribbon to the boughs at the base of the tree, the medium-width bows in the center of the tree, and the bows made from the most slender ribbon should be placed on the branches at the top of the tree.



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