Can Your Artificial Tree Stand Support That Tree?

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How can I make sure that a stand will support my artificial tree?

Can Your Artificial Tree Stand Support That Tree?

Just because you don't have to fill it with water doesn't mean that you don't have to put any thought into the selection of an artificial Christmas tree stands. An artificial Christmas tree is an investment that you'll want to protect so make sure that you pick a stand that can support it.

The good news is that many artificial trees come with stands that are specially designed to hold them steady. If they do not, however, choose one wisely. Artificial Christmas trees range greatly in weight depending on height, width, and the amount of lights on them (assuming that they come equipped with lights).

Take note of the weight stated on the packaging of your tree and add in the weight of any additional ornaments, lights, or accents that you plan on adding. Then, find a stand that is capable of supporting that amount of weight.



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